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How to Maintain Good Health
Good health means healthy body free from diseases. It is the greatest possession of a man. So we must maintain good health. To maintain good health, we have to think about several things. First of all, we have to eat a balanced diet. Balanced diet means having proportionate amount of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and mineral in our everyday meal. We must remember that we eat to live. So we must eat those food that is healthful. Besides, we should eat the right quantity of food. Physical exercise is also important. We must exercise regularly to keep our body fit for work. Cleanliness is also an important precondition of good health. We must keep clean ourselves and our sorrounding environment. Our clothes, also should be clean. Besides, we should practice the habit of going to bed early and rising early in the morning. Moreover, we should try to maintain peace of mind and should not be worried about the small things of life. Above all, our drinking water must be safe. Thus we can maintain a good health. [Words: 178]

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