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H.S.C and S.S.C Paragraph Deforestation

Deforestation(wWd‡im‡Umb) means cutting down trees recklessly(‡iK‡jmwj) and destroying the forests. Deforestation is happening(n¨v‡cbBs) in many parts of the world including our country. Man’s ignorance is the main reason(wiRb) of it. Most people are not aware of the importance of trees. Ninety percent people of our country live in the villages. They are cutting down trees at random(i¨vbWg) for domestic purposes. Deforestation may turn a region into a desert. If there are no trees left in the forest, the weather will be extreme one. There will be less rainfall. This will cause great harm to our cultivation. Deforestation is a threat to our existence on earth. The temperature(‡Ugcv‡iPvi) of the world will increase because of deforestation. We can save the country from it only by planting more trees. The government should put a ban on cutting trees at least for some years. We must raise public awareness to control deforestation. The medias can play a vital role in this respect. Every year the government launches tree plantation programme to make people aware of it. Our forests must be preserved(wcwiRvifW) at any cost. We should plant two trees before cutting one                                                       

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