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H.S.C and S.S.C Paragraph TRAFFIC JAM

TRAFFIC JAM                                            
Traffic jam means a long line of vehicles(‡fBKjm-hvbenb) that can not move or that can move very slowly. Traffic jam is a common(Kgb-mvavib) affair in the big cities of our country. It occurs(AKvi-N‡U) every now and then in the cities. Sometimes(mvgUvBgm-gv‡Sgv‡S) traffic jam lasts for a long time and sometimes it lasts for a short time. There are many causes(K‡Rmm-Kvib) of traffic jam. Vehicles are much more than the roads can accommodate(A¨v‡Kvgy‡WU-RvqMv Kiv). The indiscriminate(BbwWmwµwg‡bU-‡eciqv) plying(cøvBs-Pj) of rickshaw is the main reason(wiRb-Kvib) of traffic jam. Haphazard(n¨vcn¨vRviW-G‡jv‡g‡jv) parking of vehicles alongside the pavement(‡cf‡g›U-dzUcvZ) also causes traffic jam. Again buses do not care for bus stand and load and unload passengers at any place. The drivers do not follow(d‡jv-Abymib Kiv) Traffic rules. Overtaking(Afvi‡UwKs-bvMvj) tendency(‡Ub‡WwÝ-g‡bvfve) of the drivers of buses and rickshaw pullers(cyjvim) causes traffic jam. Traffic jam causes untold sufferings(mvdviBs-‡fvMvwšÍ) to people. Sometimes it rises our mental tension. We have to wait to reach our destination(wWmwU‡bmb-MšÍe¨). It is boring. Traffic jam can be removed by enforcing traffic rules strictly. Besides, The construction(KbGmUªvKmb-wbg©vb) of spacious(Gmwcwmqvm-PIiv) roads, by passes, one way movement of vehicles and fly over can solve this problem. And we can reduce(wiwWDm-Kgvb) traffic jam by rising public awareness.

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